Wednesday, 8 May 2013


As well as all the technical exercises that are happening I need to put some other shots on here too, and it would be good to have a bit of a scrapbook.

And this is one of this week's favourites: a new park in Salford.


  1. Two great shots! The first one has an interesting composition and viewpoint that encourages me to stay with the picture - the horse makes it for me! The second one is a good addition to your narrative of 'our relationships with trees' - I like here how the grass has been cut around the saplings. Good work.

  2. Love the first shot Martin real great image caught my eye strate away

    1. Thanks for your comments Jess, it's one I took a few weeks back and rather like so I thought I should share it - along with all the other technical bits and pieces! I really like the colour of that horse!

    2. Yeah definatley the atmosphere really works well great pic and your welcome :)
